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Megan B., USA 

My first session with Maria was informative and fun. I will definitely schedule another session. Maria walked me through my chart and helped me understand what I was seeing. She also gave me insights to questions as they came up. I learned more in that 60 mins than I have been able to through apps and random searching.

Mandy P., USA

Maria is AMAZING! Her use of astrology, coupled with her intuitive ability blew me away! I felt very connected to everything she said about my star chart. I have never understood astrology or my chart before speaking to her, so it was great to have it explained by a professional. I even had some unexpected questions answered through the stars. It was such a wonderful experience. I highly recommend working with Maria!

Aimee D., Canada 

Magical really. She took the time to explain things and was open to all my questions, she gave me little reminders and tools for after our session to help me digest deeper.I really loved every minute and cannot wait for another session with Maria. She goes above and beyond in the homework, in the explaining and really provides a beautiful session with heart, playfulness and wisdom.
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